This is a blog where people can share their experiences with their torn calf injury to help anyone who is going through this get a little piece of mind. I tore mine on Sunday, October 3 rd, 2010. I will describe what happened to me until I am healed and ready to return to sports. Please keep in mind this is not medical advice and everyone heals differently and if you think you tore your calf you should DEFINITELY see an orthopedic doctor.

Friday, November 5, 2010
Day 33
Finally was given the ok to start PT. Today was my second session and had to "warm up" on the bike. I was sort of winded. SAAAAADDDDD. I was playing two 90 minute soccer games practically back to back a month ago. I can't believe how fast I lost my cardio. Anyway, I did all the exercises and have major weakness and instability in the calf but I definitely WORKED it today. I was having a hard time making that muscle " fire" but today it did and it is now on fire. I'm having a tough time distinguishing "injury " pain and just " sore after working the muscle pain" but I'm sure half of that is mental. Also am doing major stretching of all muscle groups every day now. I am learning that the more elastic your muscles are the lesser of a chance of a tear. DUH!!! i know but i used to never stretch. No more of that. Till next time.......
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I just came across this post and it fits my current situation to a T. Almost to the day but a year later, I injured my calf on October 6, 2011! I totally can relate to the craziness of not being able to work out while giving it time to recover. I was thinking about trying the eliptical soon but don't want to rush it since I can't put full pressure on it yet such as running. I hope you fully recovered and are back to full strength.
Hello anonymous sorry to hear about your injury!! It is a year later for me and i'm.........ok. I feel that the muscle i tore ( or maybe the grade to which i tore it ) will always keep that side weaker. I have to also say DO NOT RUSH INTO GETTING ACTIVE AGAIN!!! GET AN AIR CAST WITH A HEEL LIFT WICH SAVED ME. Also see a doc if you have not already done so and go to a physical therapist. They use head , and an electric stim machine that speeds up healing big time. I know it is IMPOSSIBLE to listen to my advice. ( i didn't 100% either )All i can say is try to give your injury and recovery the time it needs. I rushed again and that's why i'm just ok. I didn't do as much stretching as i should of and i think that contributed to having more scar tissue to work through. Anyway good luck and if you need anyone to talk to ( or curse your frustrations at ) you can contact me at All i can do is tell you about my experience and maybe it'll help you go through yours. heal fast!!
**** They use heat not head. lolol sorry for that typo.
Thanks torn calf support. This is like a friend helping me through my injury!! Thanks for taking the time to write this.
I enjoyed your post. I tore my calf muscle 21 days ago. I was playing basketball heard a pop and then a thump. The pop was my muscle, the thump was me hitting the court floor!
This is my first injury that I have not recovered from fast and easy and I'm going crazy! I went to the ER the night it happened and then the Ortho surgeon a few days later. He gave me a boot and told me not to walk without it when I start walking.
This week, I've started to walk with the boot, but it is so slow and still causes pain.I still use the crutches a lot. My calf looks back to normal, but my foot and ankle are still bruised and swollen.
I'm itching to get back to being active and enjoying life again. My injury happened on OCT 21 and I aimed to be walking by Halloween - and that didn't happen. My new goal is to be able to go out and get some good deals on Black Friday (Nov 25) - I think this is more realistic.
I do have a question for you. Are you able to stand on both feet normally? I'm not able to stand flat footed on my injured causes way too much strain on my injured calf! Your a little ahead of me and I think that once I can do that - life will be better.
Thanks again for sharing.
Sorry to hear about your injury. This injury sucks because it is muscular in nature. I only was allowed to start PT 33 days post injury. I could not place my foot flat on the floor without pain and strain. I really hope the er or doc gave you a 1/4 " heel lift to go in your boot.This is just as important as your boot. It prevents the heel from overextending and putting that pull on the injured calf. I also use still now a plastic muscle roller called the wand. It breaks up any scar tissue that wants to form. I was back to running about 90 to 100 days post injury. I know that's the last thing you want to hear but you will risk serious re injury if you don't give the muscle the time to heal. Easier said than done i know. That heel lift is a tremendous help so if you don't have it get one. Also supplement with protein shakes and amino acids. I believe this helped me heal even faster. Just my opinion of course. GOOD LUCK!!
I have a job on my feet for 12 hours a shift. its been a week and my calf is still sore and fatigued. I am wondering how long you took off of work??
thanks for the feedback!
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